Who are we

The founder of Beluga has four years of working experience at the Ministry of Fisheries & Oceans Canada. He was a member of the founding / organizing team of the Institute of Marine Biology of Crete (IMBC) for three years and production manager for four years in one of the largest aquaculture hatcheries in Greece. He was also a member of the design and construction team of the hatchery.
Furthermore, our company dynamic presence in the Greek and International aquaculture and aquarium market over the last twenty years has provided us with scientific knowledge, know-how and experience in satisfying the present and future needs of our customers.
Equipped with the above assets and the collaboration with distinguished international brands, Beluga's clients today include aquaculture stations, specialized aquaria stores, as well as public aquaria both in Greece and abroad.
We are able to offer specialized exhibition aquaria, storage and / or sanitation tanks for shellfishes, crabs and lobsters and customized integrated solutions for merchants, professionals, hotels, restaurants all kinds of mass feeding establishments and pet shops. We also offer high technology equipment and feeds for aquaculture and aquariums.
PAPACHRISTOU 8, 156 69 ΠΑΠΑΓΟΥ, ATHENA tel./fax (210) 65 42 436 e-mail: beluga@otenet.gr
8, PAPACHRISTOU STR. 156 69 PAPAGOU, ATHENS, GREECE T / F + (30210) 65 42 436